Why volunteer?
Approximatexly one in four people Australians volunteer regularly. These people choose to work of their own free will without any payment to benefit other members within the community who are in need of some assistance at this present time.
Volunteering allows us to make more of a difference to people in need while also receiving benefits in return to you as the volunteer.
So why not contact us today and volunteer a little of your time to make a big difference to others.
What does volunteering do for you?
By helping Humanitas Trust as a volunteer you benefit in many ways too: Contribulting to the community will bring a sense of satisfaction to both you and the people we are helping.
Develop personal skills
Meet new friends
Gain work experience, we may then be able to assist you with a reference which will then help with any job applications you may have in the future.
Have lots of fun.
What does volunteering do for Humanitas Trust?
Increases public awareness of Humanitas Trust its services and needs.
Benefit from your knowledge, experience, enthusiasm and motivation.
Help within the community that may be impossible or impractical for paid staff to do.
Allows Humanitas Trust to be more effective in the work they are doing, by allowing them to concentrate on the medical work required for their patients.
Ensures a cost effective service, making the best use of funds available.
What types of areas can I volunteer in?
Activity support; transport; Administration; Humanitas Services; Maintenance/Grounds; Fundraising/Marketing; Event Planning; Sponorship; Cleaning; Research & Develpoment; working at BBQ’s etc.
There are many ways that you can help, just let us know what you are interested in and we are happy to work together with you. Your assistance is truly appreciated.
Contact Details
Humanitas Trust (03) 6224 8810 press 4 or
Ange Rule: 0434 418 934